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Portrait by Liasa@神意之地
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I became Matcha Neko @ Typhon
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Hot Cappuccino
Asore Producer
Kotoha Swallow
Quia Aquette
Khaleesi Moone
Matcha Neko
Onion Gdiva
Hana Kagerou
Gpose by Quia Aquette
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Rexia Phese
Matcha Neko
Samuel Sung
Rokuru Kirisame
Isana Tigger
Sekkar Miller
Reno Lowitz
Aira Aone
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Wind Noname
Matcha Neko
Litan Bellveil
Ui Ha
Talon Wakuwaku
Dodo Lee
Explooosive Raaay
Shibusaka Yun
Gpose by Litan Bellveil @Aegis
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The Palace of the Dead floor 0-200 solo with machinist.
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Heaven on High solo with gunbreaker.
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Aikawa Kazuki
Matcha Neko
Yosshi Emerald
Robobo Robo
Mizuki Fufuyon
Izumi Fenrir
Cratos Aya
Badaboom Giustiniani
Gpose by Aikawa Kazuki
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Yoyo Adsl
Matcha Neko
Akari Kurosawa
Akira Rune
Yonah Belzerg
Alainne Ciel
Nirvash Zero
Charlotte Arashiniji
Special Thanks
Canis Ares @ Aegis Gpose by Akira Rune @Aegis
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Eureka Orthos solo with MCH.
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Swish Li
Matcha Neko
Star Star
Ball Sheep
Ren Assassin
Xuan Pahlo
Temeraire Bear
Nakiri Eliya
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Alva Ortolani
Takemoto Aka
Akatsuki Scharlette
Naki Schnee
Matcha Neko
Guagua Banana
Show Bro
Noko Wakase
Gpose by Noko Wakase @ Ramuh
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Player Commendation (1500/1500)
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Vivy Amber @ Aegis
Yonah Belzerg @ Typhon
Una Guza @ Ifrit
Litan Bellveil @ Aegis
Ui Ha @ Typhon
Shibusaka Yun @ Typhon
OuO Acguy @ Bahamut
Kenta Yano @ Bahamut
Ball Sheep @ Bahamut
Star Star @ Typhon
Nakiri Eliya @ Bahamut